* 2021-01-15

Balú (black ribbon) enjoys the sun in Miami, Florida, USA. He lives in a house with a small garden and there is also his best friend – Zima – a White Swiss Shepherd from Russia, born just a few weeks before Balú. They love each other and like to play together. Balú is a short hair male with lovely head, snow-white fur and long straight legs.

He was the last of Beetles to set off for his forever home. We have become so attached to him in the course of time, that it was extremely hard to say goodbye. He stayed with us for almost 19 weeks (more than 4 months) before he could finally be exported. But we know he now has a wonderful life in Florida, so that comforts us.
But planning his journey was a big adventure with a lot of up-side-down twists, as well as the last export we did to Mexico. We don’t send puppies too young. Some of the states in the USA accept puppies enter at 10 weeks of age, but we rejected this. We do not want puppies to change planes when flying, to make the journey the most comfortable and least stressful as possible. So we searched for a direct flight. Some so-called transporters offered to take him by car to Moscow or Ukraine and put him on a direct flight from there. OMG, Moscow is 24 hours drive from us non-stop! Another one proposed to put him on a flight to Oklahoma, that’s another 24 hours from Miami. So we gave up on transporters, there are so many unreliable people operating in this field. And once again we organised and carried out the whole transport by ourselves. We learned that some airlines do not take pets due to Covid. Others have limited their flights or risen their fares due to Covid. It was hard to find a suitable possibility. We found a satisfactory flight with Lufthansa from Frankfurt airport, which is just a few hours drive from us. We got a quote for a price, which was acceptable by the consignee. BUT when we booked the flight 14 days later (quote was valid for 30 days), Lufthansa answered, that the price has more than doubled! OMG that meant to pay 3.300 Eur for the transport incl. all costs. Understandably, the consignee refused this inadequate behaviour of Lufthansa and wanted us to look for different alternatives. So we were at the beginning again and we contacted our partner in Amsterdam and found a direct flight with KLM for a much reasonable price. Their services are professional as we had the chance to experience last time with Ayra’s transport to Mexico. So we took Balú personaly to Amsterdam by car and handed him over directly to them. We made sure he was fed and given water before the flight and then safely boarded to the plane. Fortunately, from this point on there were no more complications, he survived the flight well, not being stressed by the long travel. He was crate trained since very early age, as we knew he will have to travel such a long distance, so that didn’t cause him any difficulty.
We are very happy that Balú is now taken care of so well and has a great life overseas.

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Ing. Miroslava Lajbnerová



Kročehlavská 67272 01 KladnoCzech Republic
…already 25 years with white shepherds

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