Regional dog show Horní Počernice

2018-05-13Horní Počernice
Regional dog show Horní Počernice

As Horní Počernice is very near to us, we applied to this smaller show in order to get more experience for little Daimee. The show surprised us, that it was very well organised, everything was reinforced with very nice weather.

The judge liked Daimee a lot. She acted as a professional and deserved the grade “very promising 1” in puppy class.

Axel is at shows like at home, so it was not any problem for him to achieve the grade Exc.1 and title Regional winner.

For the first time we also entered the “best couple” competition and won a very nice 3rd place.

In the finals Axel finished 2nd from all adult dogs of all breeds (BIS 2)!

Photos from event

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Ing. Miroslava Lajbnerová



Kročehlavská 67272 01 KladnoCzech Republic
…already 25 years with white shepherds

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