Gladiator Race Dog Praha 2024

Gladiator race is always a great challenge. Heavy strength obstacles will test our physical fitness, technical obstacles cooperation with the dog, and long running sections will test our stamina and endurance. All of this together promises great sporting experiences, and yes it was.
In Prague, the route was a bit longer than elsewhere on GR, but without much elevation gain and with long, fast running passages. So the 4.4 km track was quite a decent sprint. The pauses at the obstacles did not help much to catch our breath, as we had to use all our remaining strength to overcome them. Natálka (13) managed everything without a single handicap and in the category of junior girls 13-17 years old she finished first. This time I messed up a few obstacles due to my own inattention, for example when I didn’t notice the first circle to hang on and tried to jump to the second one, elsewhere I accidentally dislodged the hook from the pole instead of just sliding it, etc., that’s what cost me precious minutes on handicaps and so I had to settle for 7th place out of 29 women in the category 40+. But as always, we really enjoyed the race, that was the main thing.
Meeting friends and other team members was a nice bonus. Only this time, only 3 of the Niktel White Warriors were at the start, the two of us with Natálka and Vlastimil Halla with our progeny Amalka. Well, maybe next time again in higher numbers. So originally we also thought that we would have to miss the Prague Gladiator for this year, because we were expecting the birth of puppies on practically the same date. But Diamond was kind to us and left the birth for a little later, so we split up, Erik stayed at home and lwatched the female, Natálka and I went to the race. Every now and then we nervously checked the phone to see if it had already started at home and we would have to go back immediately. But fortunately, everything went well, we were able to finish the race, take the prize on the podium and then quickly return home.