EDR Halloween Afterparty + Dogbiatlon

The craziest race of the year, that was this year’s Extreme Dog Race Halloween.
The themed Halloween race promised a lot of fun and unusual experiences. So we took great care to prepare costumes for us and the furry friends. We put on the craziest things that we had collected at home, then we painted scary masks on our faces that we became almost unrecognizable and went out among the other ghosts, monsters and witches. We met really strange masks and it was absolutely great, we had a lot of fun. Everyone admired our “white” shepherds dressed in black t-shirts with a skeleton and with their faces also painted in black. Somebody even took pictures of them as a souvenir.
Two races were held here, the classic canicross 4 km (junior 2 km) and the Dogbiatlon on the same route. The route was beautiful, hilly, through local forests. On the way we enjoyed the autumn atmosphere on a frosty sunny day, it was simply great. Only the start was hellish, running straight down the hill with an excited hard-pulling dog is at least bordering on suicide.
Natálka ran both races with Amiga, luckily they didn’t get killed on the way and they took 2nd place in both races. If she could shoot better and didn’t hit only 1 shot out of 5, she could have been gold in the Dogbiathlon.
Kája started only once, and ran beautifully the whole way. After the initial descent, when I slowed the dog down for her, I then detached myself from them and they ran the rest of the route with Frozen all by themselves. We didn’t expect miracles from Kája when shooting, so 0 points and 5 x 30 second penalties were no surprise. This time, the juniors had only 1 age category, 9-15 years, so Kaja was absolutely the youngest so 12th place/15 was a great result.
Mirka also ran only once on the Dogbiathlon track with Frozen. They had a lot of fun together, even if she almost passed out on the long uphill passage. She was looking forward to shooting, she likes to shoot and I dare say she does it well. At home, she usually hits the exact center of the target at 10 m from any position. But!!! …with her glasses, which she absolutely needs for long distances, otherwise she’s blind as hell. And exactly these glasses were left at the start of the EDR, where she forgot them, so she could be happy for scoring 4/10. The penalty unfortunately relegated her to 6th place, otherwise it could easily be a medal. But the main thing was to enjoy the race and they managed that. It was great, unusual and unforgettable!