Litter “L” Grand Canyon (PL)

* 2019-01-17breeding with our stud dog
Litter “L” Grand Canyon (PL)

Puppies were born on 17th January 2019. There are 8 girls and 3 boys. They all have their future owners.

The mother is a long haired female from Poland with Axel – it was – C.I.B. Taste of Glory Grand Canyon. Therefore it is a combination of two individuals with the highest possible awards from shows. So we are expecting high quality puppies.

The puppies were born in the Polish kennel Grand Canyon, one of the oldest in Poland. They should be then ready to go to the new families in the middle of March 2019.

The mother “Gloria” is a lovely longcoated female awarded in many dog shows and with an ideal character. She is very calm, balanced and keen on her owners, so she is exactly like a White Swiss Shepherd Female should be.  She can be proud of a lot of titles, as well as Axel – she is C.I.B. (Inter champion), Multi champion (national champion of several countries) and Junior Champion. Her pedigree contains very successful ancestors, you can find it here.

We are very much looking forward to seeing the puppies grow, and we put all our hope in them. We expect to see them turn into lovely strong dogs with good predispositions for breeding, sports and show career. In this litter there could be both short and longcoated puppies. After the parents they will have negative response to multi drug resistance (MDR1 n/n). Both parents have excellent X-ray results – HD A, ED 0/0. 


C.I.B. - Interchampion Grand Champion of Czech Republic Grand Champion of Slovakia Grand Champion of Montenegro Champion of Czech Republic Champion of Slovakia Champion of Lithuania Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina Champion of Croatia Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro Junior champion CZ Junior champion SK Club grand champion Club champion Master of Endurance Sports Endurance test Canicross and OCR medalist Best show dog in CZ - 3rd place (2016) Open Slovakia Dog Cup 2017 - 2. place National winner Regional winner Winner of Mladá Boleslav Youth national winner SK BIS 3 BIG 1 BOB BOS CACIB res. CACIB multi CAC/CWC multi CAJC
Grand Champion CZ, Champion CZ, Champion ČMKU, Club Champion, Winner of specialty show, Regional winner, multi BOS/CACIB/CAC/CAJC...
BARNET Abraska
res. CAC
Blesk od Kunovského lesa
Falco of Kim's dream
ADRIANA u Panáka
Nejl.mladý plemene, CAJC, Výborná, Velmi nadějná
Bepcock Nubika
Cleo z Nuslaudy
Julie Nycol Elbigi
Grand Ch CZ, Ch. CZ+SK, Club Ch., National winner
Ares z Nového Malína
Cino Giacomo Elbigi
Alexis of White Glory
Český junior šampion, Nejl.mladý plemene, Nejlepší mladá fena, Výborná, Velmi nadějná, Český šampion, Champion Slovenska, 2x Res.CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB, Klubový champion, 2x CACIB
Nataly Cheryl Donnevara
Český šampion, Champion Polska, Klubový champion, Klub.champ.Slovenska, 2x Národní vítěz, Vítěz speciální výstavy, 5x Nejlepší pes pl.,, Český junior šampion, Grand champ. ČR, Champion Slovenska, 2x Klubový vítěz, 2x Vítěz klub.výst., 9x BOB
Dragon la Blankpapilio
2x Res.CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB, Klubový champion, 2x CACIB
Genny Lee Donnevara
C.I.B., Multi Champion, Junior Champion
Taste of Glory Grand Canyon (PL)
C.I.B., Multi Champion, Junior Champion, Club winner
MOST WANTED P'tits Loups d'Amour
Multi Grand Champion, Multi Champion
GARMIN du Domaine de la Graffenbourg
World Winner, BIS
Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund
Junior Champion
ENYA du Domaine de la Graffenbourg
Karibooh P'tits Loups d'Amour
Elite Fire Onyx des Gardiens du Pacte
Angun White Viper du Bois des Ternes
HONEY Grand Canyon
Champion, Club winner
Pegasus Akbo-Parchovany
Multi Champion
Aico vom Bruckner Landl
Club winner, BOB
Anett von Szentkiraly Csilaga
Inter Champion
Athos Ancilia
Isis White Majestics

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Ing. Miroslava Lajbnerová



Kročehlavská 67272 01 KladnoCzech Republic
…already 25 years with white shepherds

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