Litter “N” Niktel (CZ)

* October 2024our own puppies
Litter “N” Niktel (CZ)

UPDATE 28. 9. 2024 – Pregnancy confirmed! Expected date of whelping between 31.10.-2.11.2024.


UPDATE 10. 9. 2024 – Last space for a male and female for reservation.


UPDATE 2. 9. 2024 – We have mated Bella. In the last days we made 2 trips to the stud in Gemany. Both visits were successful and the couple tied naturally. At the end of September we will be impatiently waiting for the pregnancy confirmation.


Only a few days after the M litter, we will also expect the birth of a completely unique litter N, the puppies should be born at end of October or beginning of November 2024. The litter will have puppies of both coat variants – long-haired and short-haired (officially referred to as semi-long hair).

It is a combination of two very intelligent, balanced and very active whites, which has no parallel in the Czech Republic or even Europe.


Mother – Bella is a three-year-old female with semi-long hair from our own breeding. She has great drive for work, can be easily motivated and does everything with great enthusiasm. Bella is very self-confident, playful, fearless and loves to explore everything. She has gone through an intensive socialization programme with us since she was a puppy, and the time spent with her really pays off now. She isn’t bothered by fireworks, strangers, cars, loud noises etc. She is a very relaxed, loving and loyal dog who will do anything for her beloved ones. She guards her territory very well and will warn us loudly if she notices anything suspicious.

She likes running and obedience training the most. We train together both basic obedience, running over various obstacles (agility type), various dog tricks, nosework and even dog fitness. She learns quickly and is very hardworking. She is happy to train even with children. Watch their training videos. She loves running in a harness (canicross), in our free time we run a lot together. She regularly takes part in canicross, obstacle and dogtrekking races. During races, she has to crawl under obstacles, jump over them, swim, run through dark or confined spaces. And she won a lot of medals, titles and awards in our races. She became the WSS champion in canicross 2022, the 2nd vice-champion in the dogtrekking special for WSS 2022, she won the largest night obstacle race in our country – Czech Dog Run Nightfall 2022 and many others. She successfully passed the tough endurance test (20 km run + obedience test). She was awarded the title of Master of Endurance Sports for her lifetime achievements in the field of endurance sports.

Bella is one of the whitest white shepherds we’ve ever seen, her coat is very white (when she’s not running through the mud she loves so much) and her claws are beautifully dark, just the way they are supposed to be. Therefore, we expect beautiful white offspring after her. She has a good body structure, a very strong frame, a deep chest, straight legs and topline, correct angulation and a well-carried tail. She is a very strong female.

She has also attended a few shows, where she has managed to collect enough points to be awarded the title of Czech WSS club champion. She also won awards like res. CACIB, CAC, CAJC, Excellent 1, and Very Promising 1. You can find more about Bella, her photos and videos, succeses, health results and much more on her personal page here. In the photogallery and videogallery of this litter you will find some of the best, too. Click on the buttons PHOTOS/VIDEOS below.

Bella is in excellent shape and enjoys good health. In the racing season, she is well-muscled and weighs around 31 kg at a height of 61 cm. She has great health results of various genetic tests, so she has the best base to give birth to beautiful and healthy puppies.

  • HD B (hip good)
  • ED 0/0 (elbows fine)
  • MDR1 +/+ (multiple drug resistance – clear by parentage)
  • DM n/n (degenerative myelopathy – clear by parentage)
  • full dentition, scissor bite
  • no allergies or intolerances known

Father – Arthur – is a strong four-year-old FCI stud dog with long coat and dark pigmentation, originating from Germany. In the words of his owner he is “an absolutely perfect dog”. He has a perfectly balanced character – he is like an angel at home, a calm, loving member of the family and a natural caretaker with children and babies. He is perfectly socialized and well-behaved, he goes absolutely everywhere with his family – shopping, to retirement homes, all means of transport, or stables, vacations, boat trips, etc. He manages everything with icy calmness, even in situations where other dogs start to panic. He also celebrates New Year’s Eve with his family. But he is always happy and ready to go out. He walks everywhere without a leash, is completely reliable and fearless. He enjoys to be the center of attention and willingly poses when people take pictures of him.

But his true qualities show when working. He is an enthusiastic working dog with incredible inner energy and drive. He loves everything from obedience to tracking or defense. Among other things, he has passed the combined exam according to the international exam regulations IGP1 (formerly named IPO1) and is in training for the higher level IGP2.

She also runs in a harness, like Bella – he does canicross and bikejöring. He also loves other activities such as search & rescue, water work or dog dancing. His drive, enthusiasm and will to please is exceptional. During training, he is very focused and handler oriented. He always wants to do everything the best and tries to please as much as possible with his performance. As a purebred white shepherd with such a drive, he is completely unique among WSS. He can easily compete with much more traditional working breeds, such as German or Belgian shepherds. The reactions of trainers, judges and other handlers to his performances are very positive and full of words of appreciation. Everyone is so amazed by him that they don’t want to believe that this is really a white shepherd. It is hard to describe his drive, you must see this, so we have entered some of his training videos in the videogallery (clivk on VIDEOS below).

He is no stranger to the show ring either, having won several valuable titles such as Best of Breed (BOB), best dog, Spessartwinner or expectancy for the German Beauty Champion (CAC).

We believe that in combination with Bella we will get perfect puppies with huge work / sports / training potential. The International Cynological Federation FCI and the German club BVWS / VDH recognized that Arthur’s genes are very enriching for the breed and, in order to preserve genetic diversity, after passing the breeding test they recognized him as an official FCI stud dog (first generation FCI), even though he comes from a kennel outside the FCI (von den drei Eichen).

He passes on his genes to his offspring, which he already has in several European countries. Puppies usually inherit his desire to work and a very open and balanced character.

Exams passed so far: BH/VT, AD, IBGH 1, IBGH 3, UPr 2, IGP 1.

Arthur’s health:

  • HD A1/A1 (hips excellent)
  • ED 0/0 (elbows excellent)
  • OCD (shoulders) excellent
  • LÜW / LTV (transitional vertebra) pure – does not have this malformation
  • heart (echocardiography + Farbdoppler ultrasound) – excelent
  • MDR1 +/+ (Multidrug Resistance – clear)
  • DM n/n (degenerative myelopathy – clear)
  • MH n/n (clear)
  • CH n/n (clear)
  • CLAD III (clear)
  • CSS (clear)
  • ACHM (clear)
  • HUU (clear)
  • XHED (clear)
  • RCND (clear)
  • MPS VII (clear)
  • 65 cm
  • 38 kg
  • IK/10 Gen 0%
  • AVK/10 Gen 100%
  • COI 23% – lower than breed average (28%)
  • hemophilia type 1 & 2 clear
  • ISAG2006 DNA certificate
  • full dentition, scissor bite
  • no allergies, intolerances known

His DNA Embark Panel

His personal page with a lot of information and photos here.


Puppies from litter N will have great prerequisites for various sports or training. We are looking for active owners who are ready to give their new family member plenty of physical and mental enjoyment and thus use the potential that this litter offers. At the same time, we are of course looking for loving homes for puppies with everything that goes with it.

All puppies in our kennel go through a well-thought-out socialization program with many stages. We pay great attention to socialization and focus on ensuring that the puppies leave us confident, socialized and fearless as much as possible. We start very early, already a few days after the birth, and we continue gradually with individual follow-up phases, according to the development of the puppies and in proportion to their age. If the puppies stay up to 8 weeks (normal age within the Czech Republic or Slovakia), there are roughly 30 different stages. If due to the import rules and regulations of the destination country the puppy has to stay longer (usually up to 15 weeks of age after full vaccination), there can be up to 50 socialization stages. We record every part of the socialization on video and send it to future owners, or we publish selected videos on our website, Youtube channel and FB page of our kennel. For a clearer idea of ​​how the socialization takes place in our kennel and what each phase means, you can read about our previous litters, or watch the various published socialization videos – YT playlist dedicated directly to socialization can be found here.

The bloodlines of parents have up to at least 5 generations back absolutely no common ancestry. We like to choose parents where there is no linebreeding to support the genetic diversity of the breed. So this litter is no exception, we do not hesitate to travel hundreds of kilometers to meet a stud dog if it means we will be getting the best we can.  You can find the pedigree of future puppies below, or on the pedigreedatabase click here. The puppies will be issued an FCI pedigree from the Czech-Moravian Kennel Union (ČMKU). Puppies can go to their new homes after 8 (or 15 depending on the country) weeks of age, regularly wormed, min. 1x vaccinated, chipped, fully socialized, according to their age, with basic hygiene habits. They will receive from us an international passport (vaccination certificate), a starter pack with some equipment and food for the puppy to begin with and a lot of printed information regarding the development to date and advice and recommendations for the upbringing and development of the puppy in the future. After the puppies are born we take a lot of photos and videos of each puppy, which we send to the future owners via WhatsApp on a daily basis, so that they can follow their development while they are still with us and to know how the puppies are doing, what they did that day and how they are growing. Last but not least, we guarantee all owners lifelong breeder’s service for watever advice they may need in the future. The visit of the future owners of the puppies is possible with us immediately after the first vaccination (for the safety of the puppies), i.e. from approx. 6.5 weeks of age.

Before going to their new homes, our puppies go through a character test (Volhard puppy aptitude test), where their character traits and assumptions are checked and tested. Based on the results of this test, the planned use of the puppies by the future owners and in cooperation with them, we select the most suitable puppies for the best families to “fit” together as best as possible.

We are able to export puppies almost all over the world, we already have progeny living in the USA, Mexico, China, Spain, Belarus, the UK, Ireland, Finland and the whole of Central Europe.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

About the breed briefly:

The White Swiss Shepherd is a very sociable and loyal dog who loves his family above all else and will do almost anything for them. At the same time, it is very versatile and offers a wide range of possibilities in terms of its use. Active individuals like to train various sports (canicross, agility, dog frisbee, coursing…) or love obedience training. On the other hand there are calmer WSS who can become excellent canistherapy dogs and search and rescue dogs. They love nosework and are simply excellent companions for any occasion. In general, they are more sensitive in nature than maybe a GSD, so it is advisable to approach them gently and to raise and train them with a positive attitude. The white shepherd dog is also suitable for children, they usually love children and like to play with them. It is possible to keep them in an apartment, with sufficient physical and mental exercise, they will be happy both in a house with a garden and in a block of flats. We always offer advice and help with training to people with little or no previous experience with dogs, so it is not a problem to entrust them even to first-time dog owners.

We made a short film about the breed with our dogs in cooperation with Tlapka TV, which you can watch here, unfortunately the speech is only in Czech.


BOB, Spessartwinner, best male / BH/VT, AD, IBGH 1, IBGH 3, UPr 2, IGP 1
Egeborg´s Captain Indi
Gribouille De L'ánge Gardien De Faujus
Croc Blanc de l'Ange Gardien de Faujus
Blue Ice du Domaine des Collines Blanches
Egeborg's White Enya
Egeborg's Aslan
Tinka's Laika
Ginny die kleine Hexe von den drei Eichen
JU - Champion
Erijane's Lennart Lipstick
Avathar Lothian Kann Schimmelpfeng
Erijane's Ghadiesha
Coco von den drei Eichen
You Win Again vom Werntal
Weisse Fee Zeta von Burg Drachenfels
Club show champion Master of Endurance sports 1st place WSS Championship in canicross 2022 (adult + child cathegory) 1st place Czech Dog Run Nightfall 2022 1st place Mushing race Břežanská stopa 1st place Extreme Dog Race Biřička 2023 (junior) 3rd place Extreme Dog Race Steeplechase 2022 (junior) 3rd place special dogtrekking race for WSS 2022 Endurance test res. CACIB CAC, CAJC, Excellent 1, Very promising 1
C.I.B., Multi Grand CH, Multi CH, JCh, BIS 3
AXEL Donnevara
Grand Champion CZ, Champion CZ, Champion ČMKU, Club Champion, Winner of specialty show, Regional winner, multi BOS/CACIB/CAC/CAJC...
BARNET Abraska
res. CAC, výborná
Blesk od Kunovského lesa
Nejl.mladý plemene, CAJC, Výborná, Velmi nadějná
Grand Ch CZ, Ch. CZ+SK, Club Ch., National winner
Ares z Nového Malína
2x Res.CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB, Klubový champion, 2x CACIB
Nataly Cheryl Donnevara
C.I.B., Grand šampion, Multi šampion, Junior šampion
VENDETTA od Bijelih Andela
Inter Champion, Champion of France, IPO 1, IPO V, TAN, TAT, CSAU
Ice Echo du Bois des Ternes
Multi Champion, TAN
Echo du Bois des Ternes
Horsebo Empire
Junior Champion of Slovenia, Karavanka winner 2017, Champion of BiH, Champion of Federation BiH, Champion of Slovenia, BIS
Naomi od Bijelih Andela
Inter Champion, Multi Champion
Yole vom Sutumer Grund
Junior Champion, Champion
Azra Zora vom Sutumer Grund

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Ing. Miroslava Lajbnerová



Kročehlavská 67272 01 KladnoCzech Republic
…already 24 years with white shepherds

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