* 2021-04-08young female

Cotton is a female from our own breeding programme – from the litter C (AXEL DIAMOND). She is a young perspective shorthair female with great character and lovely, elegant looks. She has perfectly straight topline and all in all very nice body build. She is petty with strong pigmentation. She loves to play and cuddle. She is intelligent and very active. She is a great companion for walks in the country, trainings in the doggy school, lying on the sofa or playing with children. We are looking forward to seeing her grow up.
Additional information
Sex | female |
Height | 58 cm |
Teeth | full dentition, scissor bite |
MDR 1 | +/+ po rodičích |
DM | n/n po rodičích |
Breeding licence | youth check passed |
C.I.B., Multi Grand CH, Multi CH, JCh, BIS 3 AXEL Donnevara |
Grand Champion CZ, Champion CZ, Champion ČMKU, Club Champion, Winner of specialty show, Regional winner, multi BOS/CACIB/CAC/CAJC... BARNET Abraska |
res. CAC, výborná Blesk od Kunovského lesa |
Champion Falco of Kim's dream |
Nejl.mladý plemene, CAJC, Výborná, Velmi nadějná BEPCOCK Nubika |
BOB, CAC, CAJC Cleo z Nuslaudy |
CH(CZ)CACIB,BOB Julie Nycol Elbigi |
Grand Ch CZ, Ch. CZ+SK, Club Ch., National winner XARRIA JACKIE Donnevara |
CH+JCH CZ,SK Ares z Nového Malína |
Cino Giacomo Elbigi |
Alexis of White Glory |
2x Res.CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB, Klubový champion, 2x CACIB Nataly Cheryl Donnevara |
Grand šampion ČR, Multišampion, BOB Dragon la Blankpapilio |
Grand šampion ČR, Multišampion, BOB Genny Lee Donnevara |
Multi Grand Šampion, Multi Šampion, Junior Šampion DIAMOND WHITE ALASKA Dancing with Wolves |
Grand Ch BG, Multi CH (Balkan, LT, BG, RO, PL), JCh PL MADISON P'tits Loups d'Amour |
Multi CH (DE, CZ, FR, DK, LU), Multi JCh, TAN FH2 Juan Aiko P'tits Loups d'Amour |
Juan of Skah Dakota |
Chérie Perly Vom Sutumer Grund |
Hangun P'tits Loups d'Amour |
CAC Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng |
Angun White Viper du Bois des Ternes |
CH HU, Multi JCh (PL, BG, SRB, HR, Balkan), Grand JCh BG, Poland club winner 2017 DIAMOND PRINCESS del White Conero |
CH IT, CH Repro Bacco di Casa Rovai |
CH IT GPE Quai Yukon vom Sutumer Grund |
True Love of White Wolves Home |
Multi CH, JCh, JTopdog, TANC, BH Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant |
EST JW06, Balt CH Born to Win White Angel |
Coolabah Glamour Girl Mist |