AZOR z Černýho zámku

AZOR come to us by coincidence when he was about 2 years old. His former owner did not manage to take care of him any more. He was a notorious run-away. No fence was high enough for him, so his former owner often lost his temper and finally gave up his effort to keep him at home. We couldn’t cope with the idea, that a completely healthy pedigree dog would be euthanased. So we did not hesitate even a second and we took him home with us. At first he was very fearful and alert, so we had to cope with him very slowly and cautiously. He had experienced quite a lot, so it was no wonder. During the time he got used to living with us, and our other dogs and he became an equivallent part of the pack. Even though he still kept his cautiosness a bit. We did not have any special show ambitions with him, but when he was with us, we took him along to a few shows. Sometimes he even won his class.
From time to time Azor and Niktel measured their strength at the garden and fought a bit to learn who the new pack leader would be. Usually the quarrels ended up undecided, sometimes with a torn ear or sometimes swollen eye. Otherwise he coped with other dogs very vell and was very easygoing.
He left us suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 8, when he suffered from perforated gastric ulcer. Unfortunately he did not survive till the morning on the veterinary clinic, where we exported him immediately after the accident.
Additional information
Sex | dog |
Height | 65 cm |
HD | 2/2 |
Klubový šampion, 2x CAC ČR, Res.CAC, Český junior šampion BREDY MONKEY Elbigi |
Český šampion,, 2x BOB, Klubový vítěz 1998, Národní vítěz, Oblastní vítěz Mateo Von Restinga |
Vít.Holand, CAC Maď, CAC ČR, R.CAC, R.CAC Slov, Víť.třídy Amcar |
Winterpalace's White Masterpiece |
Blanca of the First Choice |
Svět.v.92,Vít.Rak Biggz von Savaria |
Malkei-John von Ronanke |
Karen-Laura von Ronanke |
Český šampion, 5xBOB, Národní vítěz, CAJC, Krajský vítěz BEKI z Vrchánova |
Aki of the White Stars |
Blake-Star von Gehege Eifeler-Land |
Axenia vom Wolfsblut |
Český šam., BOB, Kl.víť.94, Nár.víť, Víť.třídy Inge von Savaria |
Malkej-John von Ronanke |
Karen-Laura von Ronanke |
2x CAC ČR AMIRA Bílá elegance |
Vít.Holand, CAC Maď.,CAC ČR,R.CAC, R.CAC Slov, Víť.třídy Amcar |
Winterpalace's White Masterpiece |
Blanca of the First Choice |
BOB, CAC, R.CAC, Obl.víť.,, Víť.tř.ml. KAROLA Restinga |
Boy-II-Check von Ronanke |
Biggy von Savaria |
2x CAJC BIANCA od Liškutínky |
BLACK z Vrchánova |
Aki of the White Stars |
Inge von Savaria |
CAC, R.CAC Haidi von Savaria |
Boy-II-Check von Ronanke |
Nataly-Vroni von Ronanke |